Monday, November 1

Just Poetics

So today starts the PoemADay challenge for November.

This first one was short but they won't all be haikus (as much as I do like composing super short poems)

The patient parlance
triage-host assesses fate
emerg(e) poetry

LyndiaP Nov.1, 2010

(I realize this is a bit redundant as my Twitter feed is displayed on the right and says the same thing right now, but this is for posterity.)

Any and ALL poetic responses welcome :) (even a tangental rhyming couplet)


  1. well put.
    keep it up.

  2. Thanks Jingle!

    I'm sorry I didn't see your comment about the Poetry Potluck for last week, but I am excited to link up this week. Great idea!

  3. I feel tension in this haiku. Emergency rooms, hospitals, sickness, healing, discovery, destiny. It could be metaphysical healing or just the symbolic side.
