Saturday, November 20

Conference Poem

This is What a Poem Looks Like...

this is what a poem looks like
when it speaks bridges into existence
scribes the measured steps of justice.

can we not experience kindred happiness
being inspired by others?
instead of being overwhelmed
details, statistics, perspectives, theory
of new information
wanting and wishing to love it.

Love by hearing the data but
letting yourself feel
the affect seeping
from brain to spine
to the deeper places:
Fingers & Feet.
Power to build bridges
Power to march toward justice.

whatever it looks like in your empathetic eyes
where ever it takes you on the map of your heart

LyndiaP November 20, 2010 (PoemADay 20 of 30) Inspired by the Parkland Conference in Edmonton Alberta


  1. fabulous construction,
    Thanks for sharing...

  2. Hello, how are you? Thank you so very much for your participation at Jingle Poetry,

    We truly enjoyed your share of talent and looking forward to seeing you again.
    Always, we love your presence and cherish your willingness to be part of our fast growing community.
    Keep smiling!

    our potluck week 11 is open, hope to see you in. old poems are welcome.

  3. This poem is amazing. Both in its construction and its execution. It might be my favourite poem of yours, at least in the top three.
